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Résultat d’images pour sniper log book pdf Don’t Freak Out=> This amazing survival stories lesson plans For Survival Quotes Letting Go looks entirely fantastic, have to keep this in mind when I have a chunk of money saved up. Survival camping tips Data book reticle pages See the source image sniper log book download See more. Aug 08,  · The first thing you will notice when you do a search for "rifle data book" is a few hundred different databooks and styles of data logging. Some you pay for, and some you can download for free. Storm Tactical and Impact Databooks would be a couple of the more popular out there. Here are all of the above pages in PDF form. Just download them. US Tactical Supply the premiere provider of quality tactical accessories. Serving Military, Law Enforcement, First Responders, and the public. Your mission matters, so does your gear. Modular Sniper Data Book Stationary Target Data Refill Sheets, NSN Item Number: USTS DG MS STD. Your Price: $

sniper data book pdf download

Sniper data book pdf download

How many rounds have I fired in this rifle? What is my come-up to yds when it's 73f? How much wind hold do I need in a 6mph 3 O'clock wind for a target at yds? How often am I cleaning the barrel?

Am I becoming a better shooter, worse shooter, sniper data book pdf download, or staying the same? How good am I at shooting in a wind sniper data book pdf download than 10mph? These questions as well as many others can be answered by data logging, sniper data book pdf download.

It is the quintessential skill of an accomplished shooter. From reloading to inventory to keeping a log of each shot fired and the result on target. Without accurate data, no real wisdom can be gained or passed on. The first thing you will notice when you do a search for "rifle data book" is a few hundred different databooks and styles of data logging. Some you pay for, and some you can download for free.

Storm Tactical and Impact Databooks would be a couple of the more popular out there. They have pre-made versions as well as build-your-own modular style. The idea of buying something printed on paper, of which I was going to use a lot of, just didn't appeal to me that much.

By all accounts, sniper data book pdf download, Impact and Storm data books are of excellent quality, but I wanted more control over what I was using, so I went in search of pages I could print. Building a databook has been quite a long process for me. I will outline my technique and where I purchased everything here in the hopes that I can trim some time off your journey if you want to get your own books started.

First off, I wanted to find a good cover to keep the pages as well as all the additional gear I would need together. I purchased most of my stuff at Triad Tactical. It has ample pockets and is reversible.

Triad is an excellent company to deal with. They ship timely and their prices are competitive. Your next stop should be an office supply store or website. I picked up my stuff at a myriad of places, sniper data book pdf download, from walmart to a little office supply store on the corner. I keep 4 colors for marking different groups during load development and what not.

Can be sharpened with a knife. I had to chop the ends off mine to get it to fit. If you don't want the hassle, just order a modular binder from triad. Don't forget to buy the laminating pouches as well, sniper data book pdf download. I laminate all my reference pages that aren't meant to be written on. Works like a charm, and doesn't destroy your night vision completely. The price is right! They don't have as many fancy pockets inside, but they will definitely work.

My main rifles get the triad books, but the others that don't see much usage get these. That way you can still log and operate in adverse conditions. Stuff is kinda spendy though! That about covers it in the gear department. You can add or subtract things based on your own usage. On to the pages. If you see anything that could be added or improved on any of these pages, just let me know! This page is what I use for the cover.

Each data book should only require one of these. As you can see, it has fields for most things you would want to know about the rifle and its components. It also has plenty of data that will help you reloaders out there. Sniper data book pdf download details about the rifle's barrel and chamber as well as several rows to log specific loads sniper data book pdf download you have developed for this rifle.

I often will have several loads for each rifle for different jobs. For instance, sniper data book pdf download, on a typical win I will have a SMK load for long range paper punching and steel, sniper data book pdf download, a gr RN subsonic load, and a gr nosler ballistic tip load for hunting. There is a section for your contact info in the case this databook or weapon is lost and found. I figure a reward will bring your thousands of dollars in gear back to you faster than a call to the local PD.

Next up is the barrel log. Not much to be said. You can use this page to keep track of how many shots are fired in the barrel, cleaning cycles, barrel swaps or re-barrels. Logging each round can really start to show you some patterns and get you in tune with what your barrel likes pretty quickly.

Now we are getting to the good stuff. Look as though I might, I did not find a suitable page for working up a load. Most were too cluttered. Date, time, location, rifle, elevation, humidity, temp, pressure, mirage, lighting conditions, wind strength and direction. All the obvious environmental variables that you will need to take into account. Then you can go into detail about each component and its lot number, and the individual measurements that will be of concern.

Once you have everything filled out, then you can begin shooting a basic ladder test. There is room for 10 shots charge weight, and their velocity. In the blank space to the right, use your stencil or draw in your target on the right.

After each shot, plot its POI in the space on the right. This will save you a lot of trips down range. After your ladder test is complete, and you think you have a good load, its time sniper data book pdf download test it.

Load up 20rnds of the winning combo from the lader, and fire them through the chrono. Again, log all your conditions before you begin shooting your string. Generally, sniper data book pdf download, I will shoot 5 and then let the barrel cool before firing the next string.

This will give you time to go to the target, and mark your holes with one of the 4 different colored markers we talked about earlier. Each string gets its own color, and you can put a little swipe with the according color in that column to keep them separate.

Another way is to plot your shots using a dot from the appropriate marker. Be sure to plot each shot on the right, as you shoot them. If you are happy with the performance of this load, then I attach my own nickname to the load, and keep "lot numbers" when I do a batch of them. It will help you determine if you sniper data book pdf download screwing up one day at the reloading bench if you are shooting like crap and can't figure out why.

Here is the basic blank target page. The same environmental conditions fields combined with room for logging 10 shots on target. I find that any more than 10 results in the plotting section getting way too filled up.

Use your stencil or draw your target to the right. Estimate your range if you wish, or plug in the actual range to target for each shot as you are about to take it. Write in your elevation such as "2. Same for windage. Often you will find a "call" section on here somewhere, sniper data book pdf download. I don't quite understand the benefit of that, so I left it out. If I'm pushing a bad shot, I'm fucking up. So my "call" is always going to be dead center. A miss is a miss, regardless of the fact that I knew it was a miss right after I squeezed the trigger.

Plot your shots accordingly. If you make an adjustment after firing shot 1, log the change in wind or elevation for the next shot. Your initial elevation of 2. Same as above, sniper data book pdf download, just with the shape of the steel I sniper data book pdf download frequently shoot at drawn in already.

Here are all of the above pages in PDF form. Just download them, and print them. Be sure to tell your printer to NOT resize them. Sniper data book pdf download will bitch and moan and say that some "clipping will occur" because there is shit outside the printable area or something This happens because I made them wider into the margins so I could squeeze more data in there, but most printers should have no problem printing them how they are suppose to.

Additional pages that I keep in each log book are for reference. I laminate each of these pages in a front and back style, so both sides are usable. Here is where you want to keep all of your informational pages that you can refer back to in the case you have a firing solution that is giving you trouble.

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Sniper's Hide Online Training Teaser, Using a Databook

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Sniper data book pdf download

sniper data book pdf download

Aug 08,  · The first thing you will notice when you do a search for "rifle data book" is a few hundred different databooks and styles of data logging. Some you pay for, and some you can download for free. Storm Tactical and Impact Databooks would be a couple of the more popular out there. Here are all of the above pages in PDF form. Just download them. Mar 28,  · I have finished a rifle build. Savage in win mag. I am planning on ordering an Impact Data on funds at the moment though. Are there data book pages that I can write down the info on while I come up with the funds to order one? Résultat d’images pour sniper log book pdf Don’t Freak Out=> This amazing survival stories lesson plans For Survival Quotes Letting Go looks entirely fantastic, have to keep this in mind when I have a chunk of money saved up. Survival camping tips Data book reticle pages See the source image sniper log book download See more.

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